Monday, 2 March 2009

Thought becomes Action; the Fight for Legal Diversity

This evening, I wrote a letter to the local MP, Douglas Hogg, regarding the recent decision to increase the cost of the Legal Practice Course and the Bar  Vocational Exam. Below, I have copied the letter I wrote.

Dear Douglas Hogg,

I was quite distressed to learn of the numerous law schools and their
decision to increase the fees regarding the Legal Practice Course and
the Bar Vocational Exam.

The Legal Week reported that law schools in London were raising their
fees by 9% to £12,500. Others suggested that an increase of between
4.7% and 9% were being introduced.

What I fail to understand is how, considering the economic climate,
these businesses can continue to operate under such pretences.

One must assume that these businesses are attempting to return to a
Victorian view of law which assumed solicitors, barristers, magistrates
and judges were all high-class citizens who upheld the law and fought
on the side of justice.

It is presenting itself as a creation of an elitist judicial system
that rewards wealth and power, much rather than intelligence and hard

How are students of lower class backgrounds expected to enter into a
profession which is working so hard to promote 'diversity' when each
hurdle they overcome shows another one in sight?

As a barrister yourself, I would hope that you would be concerned about
this. How is the Government going to respond to this injustice?

Is it out of your hands?

I have created a petition which I hope will gain support over the
coming weeks and I would like to add your name to the list of

If you wish to visit the petition, I would be eternally grateful.

Yours sincerely,
Ian Caithness
This is a serious matter. 

We must act now.

We cannot allow ourselves to be dictated according to the whims of these businesses. If we stand as a collective audience against these prices, we can make a difference.

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