Tuesday, 24 February 2009

On Liberties and Freedom [Article]

What has become of our nation?

Civil liberties have become nothing more than simple luxuries that can be stolen at the whim of those at the wheel. What was once a crucial feature of a political manifesto has become a mere inconvenience. Taxation, crime and global influence has become the focus of all.

It seems that, for much of the nation, there is little to be said of civil liberties. These were ideas that were considered in the past tense. It is argued that we must 'sacrifice our liberties in order to protect the majority', as was once seen in the publication of the Terrorism Act 2000.

The Government is violating our liberties and manipulating the English judicial system to make it fit values which are hidden behind closed doors. A prime example of this is seen in the House of Lords, unelected representatives of a deceptive government. Lords are nothing more than items to be sold at auction at the expense of the British public.

Members of Parliament, and indeed the Governing body of the United Kingdom, continues to steal our freedom from beneath our feet. It no longer acts in the interests of the British public. It acts in the interests of the European Union, an organisation that is set to dissolve national identities.

We are heading in the direction of a 'One World Government'.

It seems that the British Government is creating a manifestation of George Orwell's 'Big Brother world' seen in 1984. One man, Ian Parker-Joseph, leader of the Libertarian Party United Kingdom (who can also be found on Twitter), has seen this become a reality and took action against it. Read all about it here: Libertarian Party UK 1984 Campaign

Some might argue that these are the words of a conspirator, that he is much the same as all other politicians, manipulating the truth for personal gain. Although it is possible, I prefer to liken him to a modern George Orwell.

His ideas and words are attempts at the subversion of the accepted political structure of the nation and observes problems through comic wit and satire, an example is seen here. He discusses a recent advertisement campaign and satirises much of the article.

He is a voice of change in his own right.

Ian Parker-Joseph has coined the term 'regionalisation', an idea that relates to the members of the European Union as being 'regions without identities' and he sees that much of the United Kingdom has become 'regionalised', particularly in Wales (See here).

One can imagine that there can be few surprises as to the intentions of the European Union but it is more frightening to consider that this is a global campaign. There are intentions to create an 'Asian-Australian Union', an African Union exists at the moment. There is no stopping the global campaign for a united world government, global economy and global surveillance society.

Recent examples of the influence of the British government and their intentions can be seen in the continued fight against 'internet pirates', essentially undermining privacy law through legal loopholes and strategic prosecutions. The Freedom of Information Act continues to be undermined. The prime example is that of the postponement of the Northern Ireland local elections, explained here.

It is frightening to imagine the implications of the current intentions by the government. What we must remember is that the government is elected by the people, for the people.

They represent our views.

'We should not be afraid of our governments. Governments should be afraid of their people'.

Liberal Democrats call for elective House of Lords
Lords Fiasco: Lords reported for alleged 'cash for amendments' scandal
The Idiot's Guide to the New World Order
Abolition of Freedom Act 2009

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