Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Personal Challenges in Politics

As the elections once more captivate the masses in a delightful turn of events, I should wonder what it is that brought millions of people to decide that we are better left under the control of the Conservatives. After all, do people not know what the Conservatives represent? I should believe that most believe dire reform is required within Parliament. Who wouldn't? We have gone to war with a country that, whilst tormented by disease and poverty, shows little sign of being the bountiful settlement that both Britain and America hoped it would. After all, the intelligent amongst us would know that the Iraq War was not an attempt to restore peace to the Middle East. Far from it, in fact. The Iraq War was, how shall I put this, a political movement. This was all about economics.

Consider the fact that the Middle East prospers. How? The Middle East is ravaged by war. Politics is cast aside, replaced by a theological government that opposes (male) homosexuality and the possibility of a second religion entering the state. How can the Middle East prosper under such considerations? How - because it works. The Middle East is, in essence, a theocracy. People respect religion - people worship religion and, because religion rules, there is no need for taxation and foreign affairs that Western civilisation seems so obsessed with. This isn't the main reason that the Middle East prospers. Of course not, that's ridiculous.

There is one reason - oil. The Middle East accounts for a high percentage of oil. The economics of the Middle East are based, on the majority, of oil sales to Western civilisations because our scientists have failed to discover some alternative source of fuel that will save us all from eternal damnation when, heaven forbid, climate change kicks in. The Middle East sells oil relatively cheap. In fact, if you research the price of oil in different countries, you'd see the surprising difference between Western and Eastern countries.

Rising prices within the US - $100 p/barrel
Rising prices within Asia - $130 p/barrel

This is all due to politics. Consider the images which have been added. Prices shot up at the beginning of the Iraq war because it has a surplus of oil. As the world progresses from crisis to crisis, the oil price skyrockets. Investors continue to argue that oil prices in the US may reach $200 p/barrel within the next few years. If I were you, I'd be afraid. We all depend on oil. We need to consider a back-up plan. In fact, we need a plan! That's where politics comes into it all, that lovely word 'politics'.

British citizens voted in the local elections that Conservatives should have power within Parliament. For the first time in ten or so years, Conservatives have beaten Labour. I wonder, do people honestly believe that a new party will help solve all our problems? I certainly hope not. I'd be afraid if that were so. We need to pull our finger out of our ears and do something drastic. Why not pull out of Iraq? I think it's caused us enough grief as it is. Let them solve their own problems. Why not stop waiting months to decide something and do it in a day? MPs (Members of Parliament) have so much time on their hands, it's frightening. Normal people work so hard and they don't get half the publicity these imposters do.

I say we make a stand and let Parliament know what we want!

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