Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Therapies of the Human Mind [Article]

There were times when I once considered writing as a great therapeutic aid. I once considered writing a safe haven which would protect me from the troubles of the world. I was creating a world which was perfect (for me) even if it was flawed. I had no image of perfection and therefore I created an imperfect world. It helped me. It gave me the chance to explore feelings, desires and questions. When I was in despair, I found that the power of poetry and its flowing rhythm would calm my senses and wash me of my pain. When I was enraged with the world, I found that the flow of a novella would bring me joy and happiness. It gave me something I cannot explain, something that is beyond understanding.

For some people, reading is their aid. For others, meditation is the key (although I practise this concept alongside writing). For each person, there is something that aids them when nothing else works. I cannot explain it. It seems that human nature has produced something that we cannot explain but we must all be thankful for. Without the beauty of yoga, people would find themselves in stressful situations without something to fall back on. Without the power of karma, people would act without act. There are so many things in this world that we cannot explain. There are things in this world that are just so...empowering.

To say the least, this post does not have the happiest of ending. I find that writing no longer offers me that aid. It has become nothing more than a chore upon my time. Once, I had very little to do and I required something to occupy my time. Now, I have something to occupy my time. I have a social life. What does that mean for my writing? Now, I feel I am writing out of necessity. In the first few months of my 'new' life, I could handle writing because it was pleasurable. It was a relaxant. It had some effect but it seems that effect is slowly diminishing.

I do not blame the writers themselves, though I am to blame in some respects. In truth, I wish that I could do more. I find that there is no time to resolve those issues which are at the heart of my misery. There are something in this world that are inevitable. Of course, nothing is unchangeable. I do not believe that we are destined to become a certain person, live a certain life, etc. Of course, this is an entirely separate issue and I will raise it elsewhere. What I believe is that our choices affect our life but we only have particular choices. I believe in Karma.

I want to be able to impact the writing process. I want people to return to their former glories. I want people to have that choice, to have a place to write, a place to read, a place to meditate. Everything is slowly diminishing. The world is in a transition period and we are at the pinnacle of it - human beings. We have the choice, here and now, to take it in one direction or the other. That choice is ours to make. We can watch the world slide into disrepair or we can make it a better place. It is your choice.

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